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The Three Faces of Cho Seung-Hui

Who's this man the news calls Cho Seung-Hui? Obvious this creep outcreeps me.

Oh, and listen to his views! They are more weird than my words!

What's with his brother QuestionMark? He spent all off 2006 creeping out his roomies on campus.

As for the new persona Ax Ishmael, he shot 30 people.

But never forget, Ax Ishmael and QuestionMark are merely personas Cho used to handle first loss of face over being put in a psychward, and later, the fact he had just killed 2 people and needed to kill as many people before he committed suicide.

Oh, and if this guy is so easy for an armchair psychologist like me to figure out, then how come the hikikomori explanation isn't popular?

Boy, am I glad this asshole went out in a "blaze of glory." Not.


Anonymous said...

Saw you on JustaDog's site Steve. I believe that Cho's use of Ax Ishmael was merely one of those dark symbols that enraged, deranged people the Swastika.
I have been trying to find your reference to "the hikikomori explanation" on your posts..can you please explain?

Sageb1 said...

I'd advise the media to Google "hikikomori" to understand Cho from age 1 to age 17, when he may have witnessed 9/11 on TV.

Cho was about 14-15 when Eric and Dylan adlibbed their critique of American public education in bloody detail, crappy pyrotechnics and poor marksmanship.

However, the critical year was 2001.

From there, it was free-fall into a gloomy existence. 2005 saw him in psychiatric assessment, after which he became QuestionMark. This indicates he felt more and more like a nobody.

This is evidenced by his behavior in 2006.

Please note that his obsession with Emily possibly occurred in December 2006, and his friendship with her may have contributed to her demise, Ryan Clark's death, and his ultimate decision to commit the murder of 30 other students and his suicide on April 16, 2007.

Sageb1 said...

IMHO at Norris Hall, in Cho's mind, he was Ishmael Ax.

This may be an oblique reference to Ibrihim and his trusty axe destroying all the idols in the Arab temple except for El, today's Allah.

Sageb1 said...

Comment on Cho:
"He's not a public official, he's not a terrorist we are pursuing as part of our government policy. He's just an individual psycho." -- Paul Levinson, chairman of the communication and media studies department at Fordham University.