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Spirituality Scares the Ignorant Masses

It's amazing that when faced with even a mention of spirituality, the ignorant ridicule the messenger.

My suspicion is that the unenlightened have persecuted the enlightened more often in history than we care to admit.

This may be at the root of the persecution of Gnostics since the Third Century by the Church.

It may even explain the Inquisition (jealousy of the syncretism of Judaism, Islam and Christianity in Spain) and modern-day Protestant myths about other sects and religions, especially the myths about "satanism."

Little does the average Christian know that satan has been bound since the Christ's death. For Christ dealt with the devil's work and bound him.

To believe that satan is bound is supported by Christian doctrine; to believe otherwise - that a personification of evil walks among us is a myth of mass media and diabolic fear-mongering.

Persnally I don't believe in satanism, I believe in Buddhism, and its traditions are free of belief in satan.

For the concept of non-self suggests that satan does not exist, being a spiritual being purported to "live forever" i.e. an exceptionally long time described as "immortal".

Since immortality as a form of permanence is impossible due to the Buddhist concept of non-self, satan does not exist except as an archetype or a symbol of Christian dualistic thought (the symbol of evil versus God as symbol of good).

For I do not view satan as a personification of evil but as a symbol of diabolism.

Within the confines of reality, satanism is a mass media myth that people believe in either for "thrills" or social control.

Regarding social control, belief in satanism helps solidify group dynamics within a religious organization provided checks and balances are observed to prevent abuse of power by religious leaders.

However, it is diabolism to abuse the trust of members of religious bodies including any groups of religious instruction formed by Christians in positions of authority, whether it is a home meeting or a church.

To further emphasis my point on diabolism, I present this website called Children of the Matrix, and its page on "Spiritual" satanism and "christian" conmen for review.

Please note how important maintaining disbelief when viewing it as it may induce a strong denial regarding the topic material.

Any suspension of disbelief that promotes antipathy towards Christianity is not my intent as I do not believe a religion is responsible for what "wolves in sheep's clothing" do behind closed doors.


Note: see for disclaimer. This article appears to be propaganda.

Illuminati is a code word for the 1 percent that want to profit from mass media propaganda.

With regard to the charges again Prescott Bush, I looked up the Union Banking Corporation and found this article on wikipedia:

The bulk of the article linked in this article is wrong about the Bush family.

"Rumors about the alleged Nazi 'ties' of the late Prescott Bush ... have circulated widely through the internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated. Despite some early financial dealings between Prescott Bush and a Nazi industrialist named Fritz Thyssen (who was arrested by the Nazi regime in 1938 and imprisoned during the war), Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathizer.”

However, they are right in criticizing Billy Graham for manufacturing the religious propaganda of "the immortal soul", which is a syncretism from neo-Platonic sources that the early Church fathers borrow, and then instituted as dogma.

This particular syncretism gets condoned by resorting to the Bible to back up a pagan idea called "immortality". Immortal life is not mentioned in the Bible but "eternal life" in heaven with Jesus is mentioned in that strongly symbolic chapter called "Revelations".

I do not endorse anything David Icke wrote, as the link regarding Children of the Matrix is his work of art, and looks like he cherry picked all the dirt on his targets of derision regarding the richest people of America.

Conspiracy theories like this are great for people who have biases against American organized religion, rich people, and televangelists. I don't believe anything that I can't find anything to debunk. It's not propaganda to give people choices, for it's important to not make a choice but to dance like David.


Originally written: May 21, 2005 at 1052H
Edited and updated: February 4, 2013 at 1017H


Alextron said...

should be

there you go... anti-racist jerks

Sageb1 said...

We are best served when we have a choice regarding spiritual guidance.

Involuntary mind control is propaganda, for each of us chooses to be redpilled by a higher authority, be it a religious organization or a politician.

In order to be blue-pilled, begin with self realization ie "know thyself."

Meditation is the only mind control, and the optimal choice, for you are in control of your mind.