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The Astronuts | Xomba

The Astronuts | Xomba: "That’s the problem when someone smart starts to crack, though, I think. This is especially true when it comes to love. Love sucks. Plus, you just know this guy they were fighting over was playing with both of these women. I think he was an astronaut too, or something, so you know he thought he was hot stuff because two smart women were all over him. He probably would have loved to see the two of them fight in that way we men always get worked up over two women fighting.

We all think that the fight will just lead to hot lesbian sex or something, I guess.
The authorities are saying this female astronaut was going to Houston to kidnap the other woman. I have no idea what she was allegedly planning next. Do you shoot her with the pellet gun? Do you cover her with welts? Do you torture her with the pepper spray? Do you talk about diapers?

Of course the kind of pain this woman must have been in really isn’t something to make fun of. Love does that to you. I have felt it myself. I had a bad break up a few years back and the first thing I thought of to bring the person back to me was to take out ads in her local paper and on billboards asking her to take me back. Yeah, sure, that would have worked. I was just some rubber tubing and diapers away from my own psychotic episode.

Love just sucks and it sucks in general and people get blinded by it. You get blinded about the person you love and then, when you do move on, you get blinded to all of the pain involved in love and you think it’s all great again. I think it’s the same thing that happens with women and giving birth.

So, I don’t know what will happen to this woman. She did get to go into space before she went nutso and started putting on diapers. So, regardless of where she ends up she certainly went further than most before jumping off the deep end."

Not guilty due to temporary "space sickness" worsened by an inability to communicate being one with the Universe for 10 days.

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

i blame it on too much aspartame-laced Tang.