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Neurosis as a Normative Process of Mental Health

Neurosis, also known as psychoneurosis or neurotic disorder, is a 'catch all' term that refers to any mental imbalance that causes distress, but, unlike a psychosis or some personality disorders, does not prevent rational thought or an individual's ability to function in daily life.

Thus if a paranoid thought or even a psychosis is transient, and the person reverts to what is predominantly neurotic behavior predromal to the psychosis, then that person is mainly neurotic with possibly rare incidents of psychosis, mainly due to psychic distress.

Indeed, the psychosis could be maladaptation to stress due to ignorance about how to cope with it. This condition is known in the layman's vernacular as "just fucking nuts" as opposed to being "temporarily insane", the layman's term for psychosis.

"Psycho" actually means "psychopathic", and implies that the person is a mean, rotten person who feels no guilt for all the harm he causes other people, be it psychic pain or actual physical harm.

Within the context of neurosis, the term psychopathic is usually mutually exclusive as most people who are neurotic really aren't "psycho", even if they are creepy and scarey to a lot of ignorant people.

My reason for calling people ignorant who are paranoid of neurotics is that ignorance usually is what motivates the average person to be afraid of the term "neurotic" which to them means "nuts."

This indicates to me that just maybe, these poor ignorant fools may have neurotic fears about "being nuts."

This only proves to me that maybe some people are just fuckin nuts.

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