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Palestinian teens attack Canadian tour bus : Top Stories : News : Sympatico / MSN

Palestinian teenagers attacked a bus carrying a small group of Canadians and threw rocks at police.

The bus was carrying vacationing Canadians on a tour of the Mount of Olives holy site in east Jerusalem.

"We were just driving and all of a sudden a bunch of kids started picking up rocks and whatever they could get their hands on and started throwing it at the bus,'' said tourist Dave Wood.

"This is our first day in the Holy City and it was quite disturbing to say the least.''

Well then, Mr. Wood, did you apply Canadian diplomacy to the situation and offer peace to those kids in Arabic.

Obviously not, because you are a tourist who can't afford Hebrew and Arabic lessons, but can afford to invade Palestinian territory on your "Tour the Holy Land" trip c/o of your church.

I expect better of you, Mr. Wood.

Your comments in this newsbite makes me ashamed to be Canadian!

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

Tourism in Israel is messed cos they expose tourists to terrorist risks.

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