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"You caused me to do this!"

The two guns Cho carried on him when found by police:
Glock 19
Walther P22

30 people were shot by a lone gunman at two campus locations before the gunman died.

Unknown at this time is motive for shooting and how the gunman died.

Campus authorities waited two hours before issuing a warning to students, just as an engineering building was targeted by the lone gunman.

Originally, the gunman had opened fired on the fourth floor of a dormitory about 1/2 mile from his final standoff.

In addition, 26 people were wounded.

See what happens when a gun nut believes strongly in his right to bear arms?

UPDATE: 2:32 PM April 17, 2007:

According to recent reports, the following is a good picture of the gunman.

Cho Seung-Hui, a South Korean permanent resident, had apparently bought a gun, a Glock 19, in a gun shop back in March. Five weeks later, he bought a second gun, a Walther P22.

In his rambling letter, all three pages of it, he blamed others for his rampage, writing, "You caused me to do this."

As well, he ranted about debauchery, deceitful charlatans, and rich kids. So in a sense, the possible reason for his rampage was the apparent immorality of his peers on campus.

So let's call this shooting what sometimes happens when hikikomori happens on American soil.

Maybe it's time to befriend a loner before he turns evil and identifies with a Qutbian terrorist.


Sageb1 said...

Aa long as we stigmatize the loners and allow them to retreat into social isolation, we will have this problem of shy young men killing others.

Remember that the next time you run away from a creepy man.

Sageb1 said...

So what if Seung Cho Hui was Muslim.

He wrote Ismail Ax in red ink on his arm.

Th e Muslim connection to Seung Cho's rampage

Sageb1 said...

See what happens to a vassal state of America's citizen after 8 years of South Korean indoctrination (Confucian filial piety & subservience to authority) and 14 years exposure to American debauchery, deceitful charlatans and rich kids does to a Korean immigrant?

This killing is comparative to that Korean adoptee who couldn't really explain why her son turned up missing and blew off her head with a shotgun after being bullied by a well-known ex-judge who is a notorious interviewer on CNN.

Yes, 32 people dead is what a Korean man does before he pops himself off.

However, the tragic suicide of a Korean women and possible murder of her son are similar reactions to oppression by American society.

Both of these people were severely depressed, and lost in a cruel and racist world.

Sageb1 said...

It turns out that Cho wrote 8 pages, not three.

"A law enforcement official who read Cho's note described it Tuesday as a typed, eight-page rant against rich kids and religion."

Sageb1 said...

Final word on Seung Cho Hui:

let's look at what supposedly morphed from a lover's murder-suicide to a college mass murder spree:

seung cho hui migrates to America circa 1992. he arrives with his parents in Detroit.

between 1992 and 2004, he and his parents moved to Virginia where his parents run a dry cleaning store.

2005 or 2006: he writes two plays with violent themes and graphic sex. he gets advised to seek counselling. nothing is known if he sought counselling or if he was on medication.

March 2007: he buys a Glock 19.
A week ago in April, he buys a Walther P22.
April 16, 2007: he kills an ex-lover (or was it a girl who spurned his advances) etc etc etc.

From his two plays this is what he appears to hate: parents, pedophiles, perverted sexual acts (anal and doggie style, according to the two plays), rich kids (he depicts three teens getting casino winnings stolen from them by their pervert teacher Mr. Brownstone).

The first play has an oblique reference to Muslim culture (pork and the insult of using a woman's shoes to beat a man).

He also had "Ismail Ax" written in red ink on his arm.

He was anti-religion.

I am still in the dark about exactly he really hated, but the key phrases are:

"debauchery", "deceitful charlatans" and "rich kids".

So I am gonna go with "terrorism of an unknown origin" for now. Though, he is no Marc Lepine.

I mean, this dude's aim was more deadly.

Sageb1 said...

What to do if your next-door neighbour is an anti-social sociopath:

nominate him for a committe most likely to use his skills and talent effectively filled with sociable sociopaths e.g. a political party

Sageb1 said...

My guess is, the 'geers harrassed him a lot for being an English major.

Sageb1 said...