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The Tao of Pu


Pu is translated as "uncarved block" or "simplicity". It is a metaphor for the state of wu wei and the principle of jian. It represents a passive state of receptiveness. Pu is a symbol for a state of pure potential and perception without prejudice. In this state, Taoists believe everything is seen as it is, without preconceptions or illusion.

Pu is seen as keeping oneself in the primordial state of tao. It is believed to be the true nature of the mind, unburdened by knowledge or experiences. In the state of pu, there is no right or wrong, beautiful or ugly. There is only pure experience, or awareness, free from learned labels and definitions. It is this state of being that is the goal of following wu wei.

Another term for pu is "the raw experience before one's mind reacts."

For it is the mind's reaction to experience which corrupts the mind, not the experience itself.

Therefore the practice of no-mind (by enjoying raw experience) begins by learning NOT to react with the mind but to act with the heart, out of love.

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