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13 hours away (poem)

You know how much I love you;
in confiding in me, you sealed your fate.
We both know how much we care about each other,
that I thought the distance can't keep us apart.
Well, it looks to me that I was wrong,
but I don't ever think I am wrong
to be in love with you, to be in love with you.

Oh, I am 13 hours away from being there,
but that doesn't stop me from chasing your heart.
For love is not daunted by the distance,
only by the lack of faith in it.
And when I say that I love you, I don't lie.

You know how much I love you,
and I can't let go of you even if I tried.
We both have our own friends; but I just hope
that one day, we meet and see how things go...
Hold on for another day, but don't forget me.
Well, it looks to me that I am right
but I don't ever think I am right
to force you to love me, as much as I love you.

Oh, i am 13 hours away from being there,
but that doesn't stop me from chasing your heart.
For love is not daunted by the distance,
only by the lack of faith in us.
And when I say that I love you, I speak truth.

Oh, I am 13 hours away from being there.
The bus could bring me to you, you know,
but we can't ever justify the meeting when
you're not ready and afraid to love me more
than just as a friend, though I love you dearly.

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