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R U A Player or Do U Want 2 Meet me? - poem

We met online one night
quite by accident.
We bonded over J-POP
and clips of anime.
Now we share videos dubs
of our favorite shows,
almost everyday.
But there's some doubt
that is always nagging me.
Are you who you really are?
Or are you just playing me?

Let go of that doubt
that is holding you back now,
and come and meet me soon.
Oh, I need to see you
so I know you exist.
I can't take for truth
what you tell me online
until I see you.

So I asked you one night
quite of the blue, you see.
"Do you really trust me?
Are you willing to meet me?"
For a moment, you were silent
but then you replied to me,
"Yes, but I am uncertain".
Now there's some doubt
that is holding you back then.
"Are you who you really are?
Or are you just playing me?"

Let go of that doubt
that is holding you back now,
and come and meet me soon.
Oh, I need to see you
so I know you exist.
I can't take for truth
what you tell me online
until I see you.

Let go of that doubt
that is holding you back now,
and come and meet me soon.
Oh, I need to see you
so I know you exist.
I can't take for truth
what you tell me online
until I see you.

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