Today, after a day's rest from using Robaxacet, I switched to Celebrex at 200 mG.
That was at 3 PM. For about 90 minutes I rested, but the change in body feeling may be due in part to sleep disturbance this morning from 2 AM to 4:30 AM and the medication.
If this is an allergy to medication, then I don't like it.
Here's what Wikipedia has to say about it:
Celecoxib contains a sulfonamide moiety and may cause allergic reactions in those allergic to other sulfonamide-containing drugs. This is in addition to the contraindication in patients with severe allergies to other NSAIDs."
This may explain the itchiness and only part of the body fatigue. In response to this, I aim to have a juice at Booster Juice today, on the way to work.
Today is day 2 on Celebrex (200 mG), which I take with Cetirizine (10mG) to control the histamine reaction (itchiness), and to improve my anxiety.
It keeps me calm and cool.
Yet I find that the fact I went to bed after 3AM and got up around 9 AM left me out of sorts i.e tired and groggy.
Tho' IMHO I feel this is also is impacted by the Celebrex & Cetirizine.
The good news is, the dizziness has gone away.
So maybe the pain before the Celebrex and Cetirizine may have caused vertigo by affecting the inner ear.
As well, the left ear is healing.
Today I am back on the 200 mg of Celebrex on a full stomach around 5 AM and spaced out my dose of Cetirizine with one 5 mg dose around 1130 PM last night and another 5 mg dose around 5 AM.
Hopefully this will work out for me today due to a LONG work shift (12 hours).
Currently, Celebrex is discontinued, and am using up to 4 extra-strength Tylenols in 500 mg doses about every 2-3 hours each day during waking hours.
2 grams is half the recommended dose for a 150 lb male.
I should try to reduce the dose to 1.5 grams in six 375 mg regular doses of acetaminophen/Tylenol every six to eight hours. if i dose every eight hours then that reduces dosage to 3 of the smaller ones a day.
Pain relief for 500 mg varies in duration but it's been 1:30 PM since my last dose, and no aching shoulder yet.
So a 500 mg dose is good for up to 6 hours.
Eight months later, I attribute the osteo-arthrosis which was diagnosed by my GP to
my habit of removing my water bottle without taking off my knapsack.
Once use of the knapsack was kept to a minimum, the pain in my left shoulder became more manageable.
Today, I seldom use acetominophen for the pain.
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