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Are Vaccines Modern Medical Quackery?

Please note I am reposting this quote from the source, because the author reflects my own sentiments. It's not my work, but is by Mike Adams of Natural News:

Even today, most doctors in both the U.S. and U.K. insist there is no link between the 1976 vaccine and GBS. They say there's "no convincing evidence" that the vaccine caused GBS. It's the same story with vaccines and autism. Instead of examining the real reasons why autism's rise almost perfectly mirrors the rise in childhood vaccinations, doctors simply dismiss any such link outright, without consideration.

Vaccines are the bedrock of the pharmaceutical industry's profit centers. Through vaccines, the drug companies can ensure generations of future profits from diseases that are promoted or worsened by vaccines: Alzheimer's, cancer, Parkinson's disease, and so on. They can also, importantly, prevent people from taking responsibility for their own immune system health.

The vaccine approach to disease prevention implies that health cannot be experienced from within and must be achieved solely through intervention that just happens to involve paying money to drug companies. It is in this way that the real harm of vaccinations isn't limited merely to those people who are paralyzed or killed by the vaccines... it also includes all those people who have been taught to delegate their immune system function to a corporation pushing dangerous chemicals for profit.

To question vaccines is to question the very foundation of western medicine, which paints people as victims requiring heroic intervention with synthetic chemicals (but only the ones that have been patented). The real harm in this medical philosophy is not merely all those people who are harmed or killed by the vaccines themselves, but in how many people are dis-empowered and taught to abandon any hope that their own bodies might be able to attain health through innate physiological wisdom.

In this way, the pharmaceutical industry has taught people to betray who they really are. They have convinced people that they are inferior biological beings who can only arise to greatness through chemical intervention. It is all a myth, of course, carefully weaved into the minds of the unaware through layer upon layer of cleverly crafted propaganda.

Its aim is to leave you nutritionally ignorant, victimized and helplessly addicted to a never-ending stream of chemical interventions justified by the invention of (mostly) fictitious diseases. That is the state of western medicine today.

Healthy people need no swine flu vaccine, nor seasonal flu shots. Ten years ago (or so), when I stopped getting flu shots and stopped allowing junk foods and pharmaceuticals into my body, my colds virtually ceased. For me today, getting sick is an ancient memory. Although I've experienced mild symptoms from time to time (usually after being in an immune-compromised state such as working too hard at a trade show), they're nothing that can't be cured by an hour of sunshine, a cup of ginger tea and a good night's rest. I haven't been floored by a cold or flu for longer than I can remember.

Swine flu is easily overcome through natural health. H1N1 is no match for a healthy, adaptable immune system that's largely free from toxic chemicals and is boosted with the intake of superfoods, herbal remedies and quality nutritional supplements.

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