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Proper Nutrition Prevents AIDS

Here's the un-cut footage of the conversation with Luc Montagnier which Brent Leung took as part of the interview for his film House of Numbers.

Youtube link:

In the above video, Dr Luc Montagnier makes the following points about a person's health and AIDS:

• You can be exposed to AIDS without getting infected.
• A strong immune system can protect you against AIDS.
• With the help of good nutrition, you can fight off AIDS.
• The importance of AIDS vaccines is exaggerated.
• AIDS can be approached with low-cost, highly-effective alternatives to vaccines.
• What the African people really need is better nutrition to protect themselves from AIDS.
• The facts about nutrition and AIDS are being neglected (by the medical establishment).

This film only confirms to me that Africa needs better nutrition and access to clean water to build the strong immune system to protect a person against AIDS.

IMHO a well nourished mind and body is able to live a healthy life, and the person who owns it will not engage in risky sexual behavior.

Check out the House of Numbers website for more information.

*** note: Apart from the youtube link, I am not posting clickable links to prevent bots from bogging down the Internet.

It's easy just to mark and copy the link, then past it into the URL entry window which begins with http.

If any reader does not know how to do this, then ask your local system administrator, computer guru etc. for help.


There is also a hypothesis that runs counter to the argument that only the AIDS virus causes the disease.

In that hypothesis, the AIDS virus is the market. AIDS is actually the result of low immunity (immune compromised).

As well, that compromised immunity causes Human Endogenous Retrovirii (HERV) to be created from human DNA in a fashion similar to neurotransmitter receptors which grow in response to neurotransmitter levels fluctuating in response to stimuli (stress, emotional response, etc).

Immunity can be compromised by insomnia, anxiety, depression, mania and psychoses, due to increased cortisol levels.

Cortisol also leads to metabolic syndrome due to insulin tolerance, both of which affect the immune system.

Again, I urge those gentle readers who want to connect the dots may use Google to research "HERV Human endegenous Retrovirus".

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Sageb1 said...
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