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Reflections on Erowid

After reading Erowid for the past 5+ years, I know how cyclobenzaprine, mirtazapine, hydroxyzine, & gabapentin affects other people.

Yet, having been prescribed each of the above medication, I have also experienced their effect on me.

Gabapentin actually contributed to mood swings mid-December 2010 until mid-January. Sure, it did make me more talkative. When I was tapering down to zero I felt some of the withdrawal side effects (agitation, anxiety, dizziness, disorientation, headaches).

For a week at the beginning of February, I was prescribed a week's supply of cyclobenzaprine for muscle tension in my shoulder. It helped relieve muscle tension and pain, but a careful study of its use helped me to decide it was usefulness is limited.

In March 2011, the sedative effect of hydroxyzine was great for killing addiction for nicotine, and I'm grateful for that. I received this medication in April 2010 but stopped taking it in May 2010 when I was first prescribed mirtazapine.

As well, mirtazapine's strong sedative effect also helped me not want to use it anymore after tapering off it back in December 2010.

Currently I don't use medication. There are better alternatives to them such as talk therapy, meditation, and regular daily exercise.

However, I'm still open to use of medication as prescribed.


Sageb1 said...

Alcohol is off my list of recreational drugs along with cannabis. While their sedative effects are noteworthy, I want to work on dealing with my life without their use.

Regarding my benadryl (diphenhydramine) use: I currently use this OTC medication as a sleep aid on occasion. Since a 25 mg tablet is too strong for me, I have used it at 1/3 to 1/2 the dose at bedtime to get to sleep. Usually Friday night, sometimes Saturday night.

IMHO my insomnia is due to not getting enough daily exercise.

Sageb1 said...

Currently I discontinued benadryl from use as sleep aid due to its side effects (muscle twitches and residual sedation). This happened even when I took less than 25 mg.

After trying one 100 mg dose of gabapentin, and experiencing relief for insomnia the next day (May 11), I decided to renew my prescription as a sleep aid that day.

So I am now taking 100mg of gabapentin at bedtime.

Sageb1 said...

This link cinches the use of gabapentin to relieve insomnia: