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Karen Gillan's in L.A.

Now that she's got a green card, Karen Gillan's gone to Los Angeles to get a lot of movie making happening in the years to come. Indeed, she's legally allowed to stay in America.

Yes, yes, all that marketing in the talk show circuit has paid off.

Set to play in theatres in 2014, the movie Oculus is a horror film about a deadly mirror.

Now, Gillan has done horror before, this year starring in the BBC Two multi platform teen horror series The Well. Back in 2010, she starred in Outcast, a supernatural thriller, which is this close to horror without the blood and guts. It makes marvelous use of her Scots accent as it takes place in Edinburgh.

That Karen Gillan, though.. she knows how to tell a mean joke, using herself as material when opportunity presents itself. Craig Ferguson sets it nicely too by noting that as a redhead, she'll be needing the sunblock. I won't be spoiling the punchline for any of my followers who like that sort of humor.

Before I end my fan gossip about Gillan, whose role as Amy Pond on Dr Who for Series 5 to 7 brought new life to the BBC series, my search for Karen Gillan and Los Angeles led me to the video accompanying this blog post.

How that search began needs covering in my next blog entry... >:)

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