"Buddhist thought may be considered to have followed this order of human thinking; from the scientific form to the religious through the philosophic. The ultimate end of Buddhism is perfect self-realization, enlightenment. For the attainment of this purpose two basic principles are to be recognized. Firstly, the individual self must be negated. Secondly, the universal self and the oneness of all life must be affirmed." — Ryuchi Fujii, The True Meaning of Buddhism - Muryoko, Journal of Shin Buddhism
Buddhist psychology affirms that the individual self is a social fiction which arises out of the interconnection of all sentient life.
"Self exists in mutual relationship to all things, to the totality of all things and to the oneness of all life. Self-realization is achieved through the mutual understanding of the nothingness of all selves." — ibid.
Thus, self is reflected in all things.
Just as I have a mind, so too do other people. Furthermore, so do all sentient beings have a mind. Since a mind is conscious of the six senses (ear, eye, smell, taste, touch, and cognition), thus is it the same as consciousness. For only in the mind does consciouness arise for each of the senses.
Buddhist philosophy holds that conflict, fights and war between sentient beings are due to the illusion of ignorance.
Yet Buddha Nature is reflected in all things nd is known as the oneness of all things.
"Self-realization is attained through the wisdom of self-effort." — ibid.
In Buddhist practice, each sentient being is limited and ignorant by nature when it remains an individual.
This is why people have a community and when why the most inquisitive of them seek the truth both through their interaction with other sentient beings and through solitude.
"Self is ever perfectible, but it cannot be perfectly realized in this world. Self is perfectly realized only in the Pure Land through the aid of Amida Buddha." —
On hearing the Buddha's Teaching, the practitioner comes to realize that, like a bodhisattva, one gains the truths about Amida Buddha through practice to realize the purpose in life is to be of service to others.
In this way is the path to rebirth in the afterlife is the Pure Land of Bliss.
For only Amida Buddha knows the way to the Pure Land.
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