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Anxiety and Fear In Relationships

IMHO anxiety and fear in relationships is understandable.

However, it is based on ignorance about the other person, not on a verifiable fear of that person due to something he said.

Such anxiety is indicative of a neurosis, the cure of which is simple as communicating with the person being feared.

Thus, to resolve such fear, the simplest step is to open a line of communication.

It is when we do not, that the communication by the other person appears to be harassment or abuse.

It leads me to think that the fearful and anxious person is a coward, and lacks the courage to articulate her fear.

I expect better of her.

Yet, why do I have to initiate the next level of communication? Is it up to me to do so? And might it not be seen as more harassment?

Thus I am reluctant to do so.

All it takes is one phone call to dispell my delusion about what I see as anxiety and fear about my best friend.

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