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Daemons and Guardian Angels: A meditation

In this blog entry, I will be writing about abstract concepts regarding the true self of higher consciousness. For the purpose of this meditation, Daemon refers to the symbol of the Higher Consciousness. In it, I warn against egocentricity, which is the dark side of the Ego known as "madness of man-as-god" and "delusion of (being) deity." Finally, I conclude by offering the solution of Plato's advice.

In classical mythology, the Daemon is a person's true self as opposed to the mortal lower self, the Ego. Seen from the point of view of the lower self, the Daemon is the Guardian Angel, the deva of Indic mythos.

In fact, Daemons are the very essence of the Guardian Angel of whom Sylvia Browne speaks.

The true self is also known as a person's Higher Consciousness or as the soul.

Thus devil and daemon are the dark and light sides of the Ego and the true self, respectively.

The soul itself is purified by coming to know God, and in each successive life, purges itself of the Original Sin that begat each body into which it resides.

This Sin is the delusion of deity, to which the Genesis alludes. Thus the allegory of eating of the tree of knowledge of life and death is related to the ego and its descent into the madness of man-as-god, in rebellion to a deity who is apart from all creation.

How do we cut through the delusion of deity?

By following Plato's advice: know thyself.

To help me to know myself, I wrote the following poem:

Knowing thyself, transcend the ego.
Transcending the ego, know God.
Knowing God, become at one with Him.

Originally posted: July 4, 2005 at 1745H
Updated: February 10, 2013 at 1334H
Daemons in classic mythology:

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

By following Plato's advice: know thyself.

Knowing thyself, transcend the ego.
Transcending the ego, know God.
Knowing God, become at one with Him.

Atonement with God is "knowing thyself."