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Napa State Hospital - An American Nightmare

The horrors in the field of psychiatry never stop shocking me. I have researched psychiatry since the 1980's, and for years and years the truth about this pseudo-science has been suppressed by the Media. Fortunately, when the Internet users increased rapidly in the 90's, people could start reading about the misfortunate patients in the mental hospitals around the world. Only recently, mostly because of inmates and researchers who have pushed the issue over and over, even the main stream media have started exposing some of it. &mdash, Napa State Hospital - An American Nightmare

In BC it is hard to get into a psychiatric facility as a potential mental health consumer, unless you are suicidal or have a conduct disorder which has resulted in violation of local laws.

If your mental health consists of being a highly functional person with hypochondria and neuroses, then you may be denied any counseling.

Besides, counseling is for the worst cases, not for people with neurotic-like symptoms more controllable through expensive therapy at a psychiatrist's office.

It's all for the best, because a lot of abuse and victimization of mental health consumers does go on behind closed doors like Napa State Hospital in California.

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