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Real Dangerous Drugs

In order of danger to life based on statistics:


stimulants (meth, etc)
opioids (heroin, morphine, methadone, fentanyl)
entheogens (LSD. MDMA)


Yep, the three legal drugs cause more deaths than the three illegal ones (stimulants, opioids, and entheogens (originally known as hallucinogens).

Alcohol is known to cause health and social problems, and much of its overuse leads to psychiatric symptoms similar to mental illness (violence, psychosis).

Only tobacco's method of ingestion is unhealthy. Nicotine is useful when taking the third most dangerous drug, pharmaceuticals, mainly the psychotropic ones such as seroquel, Prozac, or benadryl. However, even NSAIDs are dangerous.

Indeed, the drugs for mental illness may also cause and/or worsen behavior which is objectionable to everyone who thinks they aren't mentally ill. Most psychopharmaceuticals are prescribed not so much to make people mentally healthy, but to relieve the anxiety and/or fear experienced by people who think they are mentally healthy, especially professionals.

This makes me wonder, if people are so anxious around the so-called mentally ill, why don't they pop an Ativan and/or make use of coping skills instead of getting a person exhibiting annoying behavior to go on Seroquel? Unless a psychosis is harmful to the person, then let's not medicate her. However if a healthy person is anxious around a psychotic person living in dreamtime, then I would urge the anxious to go take a pill and/or choose an alternative coping skill.

"Hey, doc, let's you and I drop prozac together, mmkay?"

Sadly though, some people on psychopharmaceuticals tend to get worse. So overall, psychopharmaceuticals are used to manufacture mental illness in some people whose behavior other people (in control) object to. Thus, this makes such drugs the most dangerous drugs of all.

Caffeine is only dangerous in large amounts. Drinking 10 cups of coffee will supply a person with about 1 gram of caffeine. 50 cups will kill a person, usually in the bathroom peeing it out.

Marijuana has never killed a person. Doing dumb things while high on THC does not count.

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