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Am I the Face of Borderline Personality Disorder?

June 10, 2007:This is the face of borderline personality disorder, before meds. I was diagnosed in 1991 and never placed on medication.

Reason: BPD people should never be given meds because they will get annoyed, take a whole lot of them, and play medication roulette. Then they will tell their docs, "Your meds are not working."

Heck, we don't even go for therapy right away because we know the counsellors are incompetent and will misprescribe and give us something that will addict us and cause the suicide bids.

So my GP saved my life from the misery of medication.

20130111.1706: First I deny I am borderline; and then I affirm the diagnosis. That does not sound like borderline personality disorder. It seems more like I'm pigeon-holing the diagnosis.

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

Also, federal and provincial funding will delay my treatment, due to politicians' denial that there is anything wrong with me.