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Japanese-Canadian Activism Began In 1942

June 2007 marks the 65th year since about 100 Japanese-Canadians after being imprisoned at the old Vancovuer Immigration building for about 3 weeks rioted and were sent to two POW camps in Ontario.

The Nisei Mass Evacuation Group gave themselves up en masse. They were detained in the Immigration Building at Vancouver Harbour from April 25, 1942 to May 20, 1942.

When they finally rioted to protest being forcibly removed from their homes and family, the Canadian government moved them to Petawawa and later Angler in Ontario.

After proving not to be a threat to security, the Canadian government let a few of these brave men return to society in Ontario or to be re-united with their families back in prison camps in the BC Interior.

Yet records of those three weeks are hard to find.

June1942 is when social activism for Japanese-Canadians was born.

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