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Paris Hilton Driven Nuts By Jail

For the next 48 hours, the above facility (Twin Towers) is where Paris is being assessed. Hopefully she will be assessed with major depressive disorder, which could preclude drinking alcohol and taking party drugs.

Since Sunday, her mental condition has deteriorated to the point where the sheriff released her to serve her full sentence at home. Then the judge returned her to jail.

My hope is that Paris Hilton quits the booze, and gets bused around on the talk show circuit as the poster girl for mental illness.

This is a wake-up call for you, Paris. While in jail, maybe you could take that driving course which shows you that you don't go behind the wheel drunk.


Sageb1 said...

All she needs is a 100-pill bottle of Benadryl, rehab and a chauffeur.

Sageb1 said...

According to news sources, Paris has ADD for which Adderall is prescribed. IDK but Adderall also explains why Paris is thin. It also explains her claustrophobia. Once you get hopped up on Adderall a prison cell is too small.