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Through Deportation, Canada Condemned Three People to Oppression

In 2003, without notification Canada arrested and deported 52 year-old Kobra Nateghi and her young adult son, 22 year-old Hassan Esmet to Iran. They have not been heard from since then.

While on the plane, Hassan suffered an epileptic seizure. Misinterpreting the seizure as non-compliance, one policeman placed him in a chokehold. The pilot then ordered Kobra and Hassan off the plane. While Kobra was being led back into the airport, she escaped from the custody of a security officer, who then picked activist Justin Goodman as the fall-guy when Justin and two other activists were picked by the State as scape-goats to limit freedom in Canada.

It is possible that Kobra and Hassan were returned to Iran because Canada was not willing to pay for Hassan's medication. In Iran, it's possible that he would not be medicated at all. Instead he and his mother would be shunned.

In 2004, Canada deported feminist and former Iranian student activist Haleh Sabah. She has not been heard from either.

Very little is known about Sabah. It is probable that because of her activism that Canada sent her back. The State may have been concerned Sabah would take part in social activism in Canada, and thus prove to be another opponent of their regime.

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