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The Japanese Way

Out of all the Asians, I feel that Japanese wouldn't do getting psychotherapy from a non-Japanese who doesn't understand the culture.

IMHO it would worsen whatever is bothering the person. It's also a form of colonization, since psychiatry is a European form of social control.

In short, an Asian would become assimilated with all the risks that brings.

In Asia, psychiatry is just a form of social control. In Japan, the average stay in a mental institution is about 407 days. Outpatient service is usually with a psychiatrist and if he finds you are worse for wear, then it's not talk therapy. He will give you a shot of a typical antipsychotic, which will have nasty side effects, all the ones the typical Asian will get, guaranteed.

However, the psychiatrist profession in Japan denies the existence of schizophrenia. In their eyes it is an invention of Americans since American manufactures most of the older antipsychotics.

Japan's answer was to have Otsuka Pharma make Abilify, which is an antypical antipsychotic that appears to relieve most of the psychosis without the side effects. However, therapy with Abilify is expensive. The drug costs about $100-150 a month.

In Canada, your GP and pdoc have to justify its use because other drugs do not work. This means your Pharmacare file has to have a history of prescribing you antipsychotics before you even get Abilify. Some patients don't get lucky, and their lives have been ruined by thorazine. Other patients get seroquel, sleep all the time, and have diabetes.

Otsuka is the same company that makes Pokari Sweat and Calpis. Pokari is the earliest energy drink. Calpis is a flavoured yoghurt drink. Despite my lactose intolerance, I had no problems with it -- though my lactose intolerance is hit or miss. Last night, I had a clam chowder with no side effects. Maybe the wasabi pills are working.

Having told you about psychiatry and its effects on the Japanese, let me get to the meat of today's entry.

It is the Japanese way for the woman to rule the roost because Japanese men are no help in raising kids. So even when they marry white boys, the average Japanese woman will pick a man most like her dad, who is usually not the ruler of the nest at all. YMMV

Anyone who knows the Japanese, whether by birth or by marriage, will confirm this truth. If your family isn't like this, then you're either lying to yourself or you actually were born into or married into a good family. Treasure them, cos other families are run by the mother.

I think it's safe to say that's why the mental health system won't give me therapy. They know the Japanese are generally non-compliant and do not respond well to the big horse pills they tend to give us. We do not need over 300 mg of seroquel. 25-75 mg is enough. And why give us that when 50 mg of Gravol is fine?? Forget benzodiazepines; we get easily hooked on them. As for antidepressants, we need a walking buddy. Exercise is the only cure, along with getting out everyday, rain or shine.

As well, the one best therapy for the typical is Karaoke & sake. I don't mean getting drunk and singing Rollin' Stones tunes. What I mean is going yuppontoi and belting out enka classics. These are classical drinking songs similar to blues. None of those incomprehensible JPOP tunes. This is the real Japanese experience.

Yes, for the average Japanese-American (and Japanese-Canadian), the best therapy is to go back to your roots. Why? Cos that's the Japanese way. We were descended from the gods, you know. This is why Americanization is so hard on us, and our elders are dying off from suicide.

However, while you are out there finding your roots, avoid thinking about how you grew up. Wake up from that nightmare, even if you have to learn to meditate and jiu-jitsu. It may even help to become Buddhist, even if it is Jodo Shinshu. But never ever mention family life. Lie about it. Present the positive, hide the negative. Praise your mother!!

For that is the Japanese way.

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