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How to Solve the Panhandler Problem

I suggest panhandlers should be licensed.

If they are making money, then they are running a business.

They should be placed in the panhandler guild, and have their GST checks confiscated to pay for the guild program.

Their first license could be $10, and their locations rented from the city for $10/month.

If there are 5000 panhandlers in Toronto, then this means $1.17 million to fund the panhandlers guild by civil servants including instructions on how to be a legitimate panhandler.

The $50000 for licenses could fund the homeless shelters, and so could the $600000 for location rentals.

In total $1.82 million in revenue could be generated to fund this growing industry.

Everything else should be exempted from taxation as members of the panhandlers guild are charity cases.

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

One could also apply this solution to drug addicts, prostitutes and gang members.