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The Smile of Unconditional Love (poem)

When I am down,
when I am broken-hearted,
all I can do is
smile in the face of darkness
until the hurt goes away.

Oh, this smile lifts me
up beyond dark despair
that I forget my loneliness
and feel no pain at all!
I got love unconditional
in my heart that it show
on my face in that smile!

When I am down,
when I am lonely and hurt,
this is what I do:
laugh in the face of darkness
until the pain goes away.

Oh, my heart is uplifted
and I've forgotten the pain!
The laughter comes so easily
that all I have left to show
is this smile on my face.
Happiness has found me at last,
and I am ready to meet the day!

When I am up,
when I feel satisfied,
this is what I know:
unconditional love helps me
to endure another day.
Because I am up,
because I am all smiles,
no hurt or pain lasts too long.
For I can last another day.

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