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A Buddhist Offers Support to the Christians

Regarding getting volunteered for the ministry, I sympathize with Christians given this task.

As for myself, I know Buddhists are as dedicated to not strongly proselyting. Not that all Christians understand the concept of each person being their own personal Buddha AND everyone else being Buddha, to wake each person up to the spiritual life. Hopefully a few Christians who have had a rich friendship with Buddhists would pause to reflect on this.

If you can accept that you and God are at one during prayer, then you are on the right track. If you wish to simply explain this to children and adults equally well, then just point to your heart and say, "Jesus is right here." For Jesus is in your heart and mind when you are obedient to your parents, and fair to your friends, but He is also there when one turns the other cheek.

If a Buddhist such as I knows this, then that is the essence of proselyting, be it between equals or between mentors and children! Though it is best to teach the truth of the Bible than to perpetuate doctrine and dogma, both of which require an honest history of Christianity.

While I am Buddhist, because I am Japanese, my spiritual life is integral to my whole life.

Thus I offer my support to Christians, and pray my actions help to some of them open their hearts to a subtle flavor of God so that they may better savor their flavor called Jesus.

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