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Classlessness is Socialism's Threat Arising from and Causing the Rich's Continued Oppression of the Underclass

When the middle class ignore their underclass, then they are merely co-opting with the rich.

When they defend the underclass, the rich will see to it that the ringleader is condemned.

Our country is only democratic when it sees the underclass as equal as the middle class, and teaches the rich to do so.

If anything the rich precipitate the class struggle daily. They do so by controlling what we see on the news, on TV, and at the movies. Also, they control what we hear on the radio and MTV.

Finally, they have even made a person a commodity, rather than a human being.

Since the rich have control of the factories, the publishing firms and even the multimedia industry to manufacture the tools of oppression, a person's life can be threatened, be it by arms, propaganda or the spectacle.

Yet the underclass must even remember that it alone is the master of its own existence, not the thug who holds her at gunpoint or the innuendo of politics or even art depicting life on the theatre.

True freedom from such oppression cannot be gained by licentiousness, for our liberation and eventual classlessness is only possible through limitations on freedom called laws.

Instead, such freedom can only be found through the early establishment of one's spiritual path, not through the joining of a religious organization but through interfaith education.

For such freedom is necessary to realize that interdependence will help to establish classlessness in a society still enslaved and ruled by the rich.

One need only look to such countries as Danmark and Sweden as two models of excellence in establishing the social welfare state necessary to bringing fruit to classlessness.

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