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Being at One with God

Being at one with God is the state of mind where one is at one with God.

Thus, this state of mind is recursive.

In this state of mind, one is happy and feels lovingkindness towards others, everyone, friend or foe. One is always at peace and uses non-violent confrontation in all social relationships.

One also feels that God is working through him or her. Forgiveness and thanksgiving is also on his or her mind.

Thus, an anti-abortion assassin of doctors is not at one with God, nor is a deranged person who claims to be moved by God, but displays behavior and actions which are unpeaceable and violent.

As well, this state of mind may be the closest a person comes to being sane, so much so that were he to reveal it to another person who is not at one with God, that person would think him a harmless nut.

Whatever method a person seeks to be at one with God, when it involves asceticism, intoxicants, or sex, the old adage "Less is more" should be the guide. Lost is she who, becoming intoxicated, loses that Oneness.

Thus, if a drug or ritual does not induce happiness, peace and lovingkindness in moderate amounts, then it will not help the seeker become at one with God.

Furthermore, moderation is always the key to achievement of that state of mind.

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