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Short Meditation on Alternative Medicine And Its Spiritual Roots

In the post-modern era, anti-psychiatry is in vogue. Medications usually induce the very symptoms they are supposed to suppress. Benzodiazepines are notorious for causing suppressed anxiety, sedation and other effects which leads to more anxiety, insomnia and even seizures.

I can think of better medication using rhodiola, 5HTP, valerian, skullcap, and hearty Indian food.

If you combine this with meditation techniques and positive thinking, then stress can be handled, nervousness will reduce, anxiety will fade, and smile will always be quickly found.

All it takes is dedication and practise.

As a Buddhist I know this. The earlier one realizes that one's role in the world is to awaken others to their spiritual destiny, the better.

For such an awakening is the key to becoming better people, even if one does not become famous or successful or even a rich person.

Indeed, true wealth is found in being humble and not being attention to one's self.

At the root of this wealth is unconditional love.

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