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Buddhist Nature Prayer (after Yengishiki) - Poem

I declare in the great presence of Amida Nyorai:
Because Kwannon bestows on humanity the countries of the four quarters over which her glance extends,
As far as the limit where Heaven stands up like a wall,
As far as the bounds where the country stands up distant,
As far as the limit where the blue clouds spread flat,
As far as the bounds where the white clouds lie away fallen-
The blue sea plain upon which travel
The ships which continuously crowd on the great sea plain,
And the roads which men travel by land, and standing up continuously in a long path without a break-
Making the narrow countries wide and the hilly countries plain,
And as it were drawing together the distant countries by throwing many tens of ropes over them
We will pile up the first-fruits like a range of hills in the great presence of Kwannon, and will peacefully enjoy the remainder.

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