The short answer is, "only for the monotheists and their apologists."
The long answer is: within the dualist paradigm of Deists and Christians, God exists but the existence of Satan only proves the duality of good-and-evil as practised by monotheists, be they Christian, Jew or Muslim (or even monotheistic practises outside the Judeo-Christian/Muslim practice).
Clearly, any religion that uses the symbol for evil, Satan/Shatain, for controlling its masses has fallen into the dualist delusion called "good-and-evil", and thus perpetuates the very suffering which its only savior (or salvatory method) is supposed to save its believers from, be it the Christ, God or Allah. However, religious leaders have said that works alone is not enough, and that worship consists of more than faith (such as belief in the dogmas and doctrines of a particular sect, which is expressed as "faith in God/Jesus/Allah/Guru Granth Sahib").
Yet it is by faith alone that one is closer to the state called "being saved" than if one dedicates one's life purely to works alone. "Works" in this case is used in its religious sense, i.e. actions which help one become closer to a Higher Power.
Because of the duality employed here, probably monotheists are wholely deluded, and thus prone to ego distortions that mimick "demon possession" which may require methods of social control. For religion, like politics, is a form of social control - and often the two are in bed together. This is the way it has been since time immemorial.
Yes, God exists, but not in the sense that humanity exists.
As well, math can prove the existence of God. If "1" is used to denote "existence" and "0" to denote "non-existence", and if God == 1 and Satan == -1, then if the absolute value of God is 1 and the absolute value of Satan is 1, then God has the same value as Satan and Satan, God i.e. they are of equal worth and existence. Therefore both God and Satan exist, but only within the same paradigm.
Ergo there is no God or Satan outside monotheism. Within Buddhism such hair splitting distracts from the pursuit of spiritual awareness, that all people are one, and that all things are impermanent, even God. Furthermore, Buddhism states that good-and-evil depends more on the situation than on some dogma or doctrine. However, contrary to what monotheists state, Buddhism is not anathema to God. Rather, it points at a method to uncover truth without expecting one to suspend disbelief or examine how many angels are dancing on a head of a pin!
For the methods employed in Buddhism can be applied to monotheism to prove if God exists.
If by faith alone we judge a person of faith to be right, then all believers are right. However, the existence of God and the proofs used to defend that existence is neither right nor wrong. Most of them are just opinion only, and opinion based on a shallow concept of the Bible and on other opinions of other men, all of whom are fallible and prone to err.
God may exist, but debating his existence is moot and extremely boring. However, only man truly exists, for warfare proves his existence. For it is said "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are sons of God."
Since the existence of God is debateable, discussion about God's existence is rendered moot.
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