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A kalitka (poem)

A kalitka
hogy leverjék a lélek
a kalitkában ismert
mint "körülmények",
E madárkalitka ismert
mint "ingatag szeretet".
A vágyunk a vége,
kell majd az úton.

to cage is
to crush the soul
in the cage known
as "conditions",
this bird-cage known
as "fickle love".
as we desire its end,
we must will the means.


Sageb1 said...

this poem is about conditional love, and declares how fickle it is.

"will" as used in the last two lines implies that the end which justify the means is based on the conditions in which love can grow.

"we" refers to people who practise conditional love, yet remain ignorant of unconditional love i.e. spiritual love.

"the end" means "conditional love" i.e. if some condition exist, then love exists.

"will the means" means the conditions which define that love.

Sageb1 said...

the cage represents "conditions", and
the bird-cage represents the conditions and the love which arises out of it, "fickle love".

"the bird" is an implied metaphor for both the soul and love.

Sageb1 said...

the cage to crush the spirit is called "conditions"

the bird-cage is also called "unstable love."

And the final two lines imply that after fickle love ends, we will have the tools to let unconditional love embrace us.

Sageb1 said...

literal Magyar translation based on the English poem!:

a ketrec, hogy leverjék a lélek
a ketrecben lévő úgynevezett "feltételek",
ez a madárkalitka úgynevezett "ingatag szerelem".
fogjuk a végén meg kell majd az eszközöket.