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We Aspire to Infinity...

We aspire to infinity, to God, and yet we are living in a finite time and space with the many constraints that brings. Our hearts are actually made for union with everybody, and to relate to everything, yet we cannot, on earth, experience more than a taste of what awaits us in the fullness of time. It is not surprising, therefore, that we experience an insatiable appetite for love, that we experience loneliness, that in our restlessness we may turn to alcohol or drugs. Our longing and yearning for a universal love is infinite and with the grace of God our capacity is infinite. -- from an unknown Catholic source

I don't think any Buddhist sutra could sum it so well, this yearning for spirituality that causes the foolish to turn to drugs and alcohol instead.

Yet it takes a bit of humbling to come to this realization, which most people try to avoid at all costs, only to die miserably and alone.

That a person should at the first opportunity awaken to their spiritual purpose is an obligation only a few people dare to make.

Thus it is that many people are called by a Higher Power, but few of us dare to heed that Call.

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