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The Smoke and Mirror of Mind and the Ego

Never consider either the mind or the ego to be "evil" or "good".

It is just a mind, and is just an ego. Do not interpret these two basic statements as more than that!

"Mind" is just a conventional way of referring to what we is; likewise, "Ego" is just a conventional way of referring to self-will.

For example:
To consider Charles Manson's mind evil is the root of all things evil; but, to consider his word as good is insanity because his followers just did the same thing again and again expecting different results (money, power).

Yet "evil and good" is the dichotomy based mainly on convention which requires common sense as a guide to distinguish between good and evil.

To see it in action, you may consider the either-or fallacy which Christians and other religious folk who are faithful daily to their God, as well as atheists, agnostics and even humanists, some of whom are faithful as often as their religious "enemies".

Why? Because it's all smoke and mirrors caused by a deep faith in emotions and feelings, so deep that few people come to understand this point:

Meditation does hold the key to regaining control over both mind and the ego.

It all begins with one breath...

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