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I am Vindicated in Not Returning to Facebook

Late last year in October 2010, I stated that I felt vindicated in not returning to Facebook. This was less than 100 days after first documenting the fact that my time on Facebook was over.

With Anonymous set on destroying Facebook on November 5, I am glad for not returning to Facebook.

All the Java scripts on Facebook slow down your web browser, forcing people who can afford it to upgrade to fast yet expensive PCs.

Even I had problems using Facebook with Linux because of those scripts.

Those scripts pushed ad content and kept track of your Facebook experience.

As well, other scripts more malevolent might give you a Trojan that might kill your Internet access instead of merely pushing advertisements.

While I don't necessarily agree with what one faction of Anonymous is doing, this is one time when I am vindicated in not returning to Facebook.

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Anonymous or Facebook. Nor did Google pay me to write this article.

This article was written on my own as a blogger.