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On the Mind

Kashyapa said: "Mind is not to be found within. Nor does it exist outside. And it can not be observed anywhere else."

To which Maitreya adds: "Mind has no shape, no colour and no location. It is like space."

In our delusion, what is arrogant and conceited but ego?

Yet ego itself has no substance (no, shape, no color, no location), is impermanent, existing neither within nor without.

It is the seventh consciousness, and once it is appeased, delusion falls away.

Yet the eight consciousness is seen to be non-self, i.e. not a soul that transmigrates, but where the seeds of karma are sown, including the desire to spiritually awaken.

Originally written June 28, 2010 at 11:29 PM

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...