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9-11 Was Never the Reason for "war on terrorism"

Afghanistan wasn't invaded because of 9-11. It was invaded to get Osama bin Laden for terrorist plots in America predating 9-11.

After initial denial on Sept 16, 2001, Osama waited 3 years before claiming responsibility for 9-11, on Oct. 18, 2004. This date is important because it was over 6 months since Lt. General Petraeus had pulled out of Iraq, leaving behind a Stryker force and a small command centre at Mosul. By then Iraq was in the middle of a civil war that Petraeus couldn't stop when he left in February 2004.

Why? Because the rebels loyal to Saddam Hussein were defending their homeland from an unprovoked invasion based on the rumor that Iraq had caches of WMD, none of which were ever found.

This fabrication of WND was helped by one of Iraqi American Ahmed Chalabi's contacts in his Iraq National Congress (founded in 1992 as a front to funnel US money into Chalabi's hands). It is possible part of this money was used in the $32 million offer to bank customers bilked of money in the 1970s when Petra Bank in Jordan failed to pony up 1/3 of its money in the Central Bank and Chalabi fled the country with his clients' money.

Since 1998 INC collaborated with Judith Miller of NY Times to plant stories of WMD in Iraq. This propaganda helped to convince the UN to go to war in 2003, not 9-11.

Other journalists that helped Chalabi include American Enterprise Institute's Iraq specialist Danielle Pletka, whoi defended him; and the Irish scriptwriter and commentator Eoghan Harris, who coached him on presentation techniques i.e. how to act in front of a camera.

However when Lt. General Petraeus left Iraq in February 2004, Chalabi commented on the WMD controversy, "We are heroes in error. As far as we're concerned, we've been entirely successful. That tyrant Saddam is gone and the Americans are in Baghdad. What was said before is not important. The Bush administration is looking for a scapegoat."

I guess executing Hussein wasn't enough for the Americans, so they went after a fraudster who's friends with DC, a Shi'ite Muslim who had a few papers on advanced algebra as graduating as a mathematician and a loyal Iraqi-American.


Afghanistan was invaded to get Osama bin Laden, and to eliminate Qaeda militants.

Iraq was invaded to get its oil.

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

Because counterinsurgency failed to stop the civil war, Petraeus picked sides and decided to back the Sunni due to America's familarity with the Salafi Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Both these nations had men who flew those planes into the Twin Towers on 9-11-2001.

Indeed, the 9-11 terrorists came from nations friendly to America. This is further proof that 9-11 did not lead to the War on Terrorism.

However in Iraq, the Shi'ite are the majority. In fact, the Baath Party that Hussein supported is Arab Socialist with ties to Syria which were severed in 1966, giving Hussein the chance to slowly create his corrupt version of the Baathism first created by Aflaq and Bitar after Arsuzi was exiled from Syria in 1941.

By the time of the split, Arsuzi began to think Aflaq had stolen Baathism from him. The truth is, his exile had left him in the dark about Aflaq and Bitar's development of Baathism in Iraq.

In 1966, after the Syria coup, Aflaq fled to Iraq.

During the Jordan-Palestine conflict of 1970, the Baath Party did nothing. Because of that Aflaq moved to Lebanon in self-imposed exile. Due to Aflaq role in the Syrian coup of 1966, Syria's President Assad condemned Aflaq to death in absentia in 1971.

Three years later, Aflaq returned to Iraq in 1974, refraining from politics. A year later the Lebanon Civil War began.

In 1975 he published The Struggle Against Distorting the Movement of Arab Revolution.

Once he regained some of his influence in Baghdad, he befriended Saddam Hussein, who would later develop his corruption of Baathism into Saddamist Baathism.

Baathism is controlled by the Sunni minority, which is influenced by the Salafi Sunni of Saudi Arabia.

Using political oppression the Baathist government of Saddam Hussein attacked Iran during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) due to Hussein's paranoid fear that Iran was fomenting revolution among Iraq's Shi'ite majority, which chafed under the Baathist oppression.

During that war, Iran won back much of the territory Iraq took by 1982. In Iranian propaganda, Hussein was referred to as the man controlled by a "Christian infidel", Aflaq.

During his association with Hussein, he was nothing but a figurehead of the Baathist Party, and did not shape any of Hussein's policies.

This was because he was not an Iraqi but a Syrian Christian. So when he died, Saddam lied and said Aflaq converted to Islam, but his family stated that Hussein did this to disassociate Iraq Baathism from its Christian roots, as Assad had done when Aflaq fled Syria.

It is most likely that the terrorists of 9-11 came from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. All four nations used to be part of the United Arab States circa 1958-1961.


Michel Aflaq