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BC social Development Invites Select PWD Clients to Participate in AEEE Trial

For clients who have to report income as a person with disabilities (PWD),the BC Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has a written invitation for those clients who qualify for the Annualized earning exemptions (AEE) during the trial phase for 2013.

This invitation to participate is optional.

This means that the seasonal monthly income is deducted from the annual limit, which for a single person is $9600.

Once maximum annual income reaches $9600, income may be cut off for the year. if it surpasses the amount of income assistance.

In addition, MSD will include a statement with each monthly stub showing how much is remaining on the AEE.

This certainly then is incentive to report income and helps PWD clients who have seasonal, on-call employment.

Thus, a client meets the criteria for the Phase 1 invitation if s/he|they

  • Had disability assistance in at least the past two consecutive months; and
  • In at least one of the past 12 months, had earnings over $500 for families with one adult with a PWD designation and $750 for families where both adults have PWD designations.

However,AEE is not open to all disability assistance clients until January 2014.

because British Columbia is one of the first places in Canada offering the AEE option and anticipating that new exemption option to be complicated, AEE will be introduced in phases.

This is because of the extra paperwork including printing out the AEE balance remaining.

By offering through open invitation to clients on PWD who meet the above criteria in Phase 1, the ministry will monitor the program and make necessary changes before implementing Phase 2, which involves opening the program to all clients on disability assistance in January 2014.

During Phase 1, invited clients who opt to participate may get to give feedback regarding the exemption changes.

Overall though, this benefits clients on disability assistance whose work is seasonal.

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