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Aggression lead to death of murder victim

August 16, 2007:Evidence for aggression initially expressed towards panhandlers:
Ross Hammond, 32, was stabbed Thursday after a heated exchange with four people on Queen Street near Niagara Street.

Ages of suspects involved in Hammond's death:
21, female, of Toronto - allegedly stabbed Mr. Hammond
22, female, originally from the US - participated in heated argument with Mr. Hammond
22, male - originally from the US
21, male - allegedly beat Mr. Hammond - originally from the US.

Update: February 16, 2013

It's actually unknown who stabbed Mr. Hammond. It's tragic that he got stabbed. However, both he and his friend provoked the panhandler who approached them asking for $20.

What they said to her in response was uncalled for.

Certainly it was derogatory and unnecessary. For they could have said, "No, sorry, I can't give you $20."

Three and a half years later, the woman who allegedly stabbed him was eventually convicted in April 2011. She plans to appeal.

After she was arrested, Nicole Kish posted bail, gaining surety from not one but six people. Before her trial in 2011, she was under house arrest at her grandmother's home outside the Toronto area.

The Other Side of the Story

Here's the other side of the story in the Ross Hammond murder case:

In it you'll find out that an innocent woman with no previous history of violence may have been falsely convicted without trial by jury but by a judge. As well, the police had misplaced or erased video tapes which could have cleared her name.

The DNA evidence mentioned in this website shows that Kish may have been falsely convicted, simply for being a perceived threat.

As well, mass media once again has done its part to make it seem like this woman is the killer.

Mass Media's Participation in the Hammond Murder Case

Here is proof that mass media has created propaganda to make Nicole Kish the murderer of Ross Hammond:

This article erroneously states that the woman committed the crime. This makes it simple for the reader of the Globe and Mail to make a false conclusion: the woman depicted as the murderer of Ross Hammond.

In actual fact, an unknown male assailant is the killer.

However, the newspaper The Star states that the woman's friend, who was deported to the US, was the person who asked Hammond and his friend for $20.

After she got out on bail, Toronto police charged Kish with aggravated assault regarding an incident that happened on July 20, 2007 as shown in this Globe and Mail article,

Could this charge been used to make it seem as though Kish is violent?

Since this article was only posted on Globe and Mail, I decided to Google for more information but found this:

In conclusion, what I've learned from reading both sides of this murder case is this: mass media is complicit with the justice system in "manufacturing" criminals, based on the perceived threat to the status quo by community activists, ethnic minorities, mental health consumers, substance abusers, and almost anyone who catches the attention of the Ontario justice system.


News commentary of the woman who allegedly stabbed Hammond:

Trial of accused:

Additional commentary supporting Nicole Kish:

Evidence of mass media "manufacturing" Kish as "murderer"

Assault charge

What wasn't revealed to the public:

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