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What Dreams Are Made Of

In the story Dreamcatcher by Stephen King, Gary Ambrose "Jonesy" Jones is thoroughly intelligent that he has organized his mind like a library, filing away memories in rooms. However, King does not mention how Jonesy's memories are cross-referenced in order to keep his memories organized.

One must assume that whatever system is used, the owner of those memories, be it Jonesy or you or I, it would be organized in order to remember what happened in a person's past. When certain memories are not needed for recall, due either to their relative triviality or to their lack of relevance to the present, then they get "archived" i.e. moved into a storage room, the part of long-term memory, and "forgotten" in the Subconscious.

However, memories are never forgotten completely.

Over the course of years, some of them get "edited" and compressed into a terse form which is the synopsis of the original memory, especially the first memories involving emotions and feelings. Indeed, each person develops "archetypes" which are symbols of those memories that may arise in dreams from time to time.

My mind is not unlike Jonesy's, and for that matter, King's if it may be assumed that Dreamcatcher's characters are extensions of his own mind written down to document the author's innermost fears and the manner in which he vents those fears in creative storytelling.

Over the past year, I have had three dreams in which I explore a town and come across a place that I never have dreamed before then.

In the first dream, I happened on this apartment building in which people lived. It started in the subbasement and after it ended, the memory of it faded. I also saw bits and pieces of that dreameorld community.

In the second dream, I came across the apartment itself which was by a river. What I remember about it was the services room, which reminded me of welfare office and also of a homeless shelter.

In the third dream, which happened within the past two hours, I was in a room that is the common area for a group of roommates. One of those men, Mr Malice, tried to trap me between two pieces of furniture but I had the strength to prevent injury, and seeing that he had failed, he fled.

Mr Malice represents guilt and regret, the two complex emotions which arise when a person commits an error that he regrets and is aggrieved by guilt. 

By facing the malice of self recrimination without  awakening from the ensuing nightmare due to fear of death, guilt and regret quickly flee.

Such feelings and emotions are due to events in a person's life.

In my case, two days ago, I had made an error in filling out a work report and was called to task about it by my supervisor. Since then I have resolved to fully report my work day rather than keep it brief.

So possibly my mind emphasized all of this by conjuring up Mr. Malice trying to harm me. He failed because it was not his intent to harm me, but to remind me of my intent to fulfill my work duty.

For the mind, when it dreams, is always on the side of its owner, be it you or I. When it finds that my conscious will may have forgotten my obligations in real life, the mind will convey this in a dream, which may have a climax to remind me. We fail to recognize this at our own risk.

In a way, dreams may be due to the superego (conscience) using archetypes hidden in the subconscious to direct the ego (conscious will) along a path straitened by the inner moral compass (super-ego) despite the id (unconscious will) desiring to be free as a bird. Yet the id provides motivation via the libido to preserve life through acts that either create new life or create the world that is the mind. In response to the id, the mind then directs the body to act in a manner that reflects the inner world of the mind.

Thus, dreams are a part of the inner world of a person. Dreams help each of us to explore that world called the mind where memories are kept with the aid of the id, the ego and the super-ego. With their help, we are inspired to become productive members of society.

Id, ego, super-ego:,_ego_and_super-ego

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