Drug abuse is a health issue, not a legal one. It was only turned into a legal issue by the elites who blamed drug use after the 1960s on corrupting moral values, ignoring their role in creating the situation that led to increased drug use through the media.
The elites also blamed marijuana on Mexican immigrants and opium use on Chinese immigrants, so there is a racist element in the elites' demonization of drugs. Today, drug abuse has been associated with its side effect, homelessness, and thus has been the cause of poverty.
However, it is this dog-eat-dog world of competitiveness that is one causal factor in drug addiction. Additionally, drug abuse is a risk of which one of the causes is the increasing narcissism in society.
Just as there are fans of celebrities, there are fans of alcohol, caffeine, pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs, except that celebrity fandom only affects the pocketbook, whereas drug addiction is harmful not only in terms of money, but also to life and limb.
This is why you never ever see a poor person at a rock concert, because the money spent on a ticket could feed the poor for up to a week. As well, the average poor person is unlikely to become a drug addict. In fact, drug addiction is what puts the middle class into poverty.
If a poor person had a choice between drugs and a place to live, he'd choose a place to live. The myths about drug addiction are part of the overall plan of the elites to perpetuate class warfare between members of the middle class in a perverted form of social Darwinism that determines anyone who is rich is worthy of respect, despite the fact that most rich elites who profit immensely from the suffering of others are only de facto elites. For the only people who respect them are not their peers but a criminal lower in the social hierarchy. Overall, a poor person only fears drugs, because they prevent him from keeping that place to live.
It makes more sense if a working class person has a few beers and perhaps smokes occasionally. Both alcohol and cigarettes are legal drugs. However, the extremes of drug abuse dictate that loss of inhibition caused by alcohol might lead to soft drug use but common sense dictates that hard drug use is the result of risky behavior that places the future drug addict on a path of no return.
Yet drug addiction is not a path but a side effect of a person's spiral into poverty, be it economic if his addiction prevents him from working or merely spiritual if he maintains an income stream to support his addiction.
In most cases of addiction, environment is a strong causal factor. As a fan, everything is focused on the celebrity including becoming a fan along with all that celebrity's adoring fans. Likewise, drug addicts seek out their fellow drug addicts. For we are social animals, and the risks of being a harm to self and others is worsened by the use of drugs alone.
If you chose a celebrity over your drug of choice, that would be safer but I would question the safety of a fan who chooses her celebrity of choice over also having a life outside her bedroom.
Likewise, the drug addict who hides out in her bedroom will soon be removing the smoke alarm to stop going off due to pot smoke. Ultimately the chronic will end up behaving strangely like a certain celebrity who I won't mention since her chronic phase was a distortion of her life before pot. Additionally, most of it was exaggerated by celebrity gossip columns and the paparazzi stalkers who are sometimes failures at being petty criminals. It would not even surprise me that there are bottom feeders in the world of celebrities who plan to profit from being insiders of celebrities, provided they know the vices of their intended "victim".
For a drug addiction is also a side effect of being a narcissist, who makes a drug of his choice a part of his lifestyle, a dangerous accessory of a lifestyle where everyone and almost everything else is but an accessory and basically a means to the end, a reflection of his life.
Once rehabilitated, the former drug addict still face his character disturbance known as narcissism. It will mean giving up former friends of that lifestyle in some cases, and in other cases, changing the dynamics of other friends.
Yet there is no known cure for drug addiction. Instead, the former addict comes to realize life is simpler and less chaotic sober, and many times more valuable than intoxication. Indeed, the hang-ups of sobriety keep us all safe and secure.
For addiction and abuse is not about the drugs at all. Rather it is about the person behind the cravings, a person who only sees the world filled with the accessories which make her feel safe and secure. It is a pity that in the midst of abuse, we forget how precious our inhibitions truly are.
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