Je cherche protection auprès du Seigneur de l'aube
Contre le mal des choses créées;
Contre le mal de l'obscurité comme il répand sur;
De la malice de ceux qui pratiquent les arts secrets;
Et contre le mal de l'envieux quand il envie pratique.
Je cherche protection auprès du Seigneur de l'humanité,
La règle de l'humanité,
Le juge de l'humanité,
Contre le mal de le murmurait à l'oreille du Mal, qui se retire après son murmure,
Le même qui murmure dans les cœurs de l'humanité,
Parmi les djinns et les hommes.
Quran: Al-Falak and An-Nas / The Dawn and Mankind / Surah 113 and Surah 114
Yusuf Ali translation
This is a translation from English into French, rather than the one provided on
I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn
From the mischief of created things;
From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads;
From the mischief of those who practise secret arts;
And from the mischief of the envious one as he practises envy.
I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
The Ruler of Mankind,
The judge of Mankind,
From the mischief of the Whisperer of Evil, who withdraws after his whisper,
The same who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,
Among Jinns and among men.
To protect the believer from evil, these two surahs are to be recited with sincere belief in their protection. Naturally then, for unbelievers, these words have only empty meaning because of their unbelief.
I myself find beauty in their original Arabic, yet because of my unbelief, would wonder why the superstitious would go on to write the Arabic as though they were talisman. Although my unbelief leads me to such wondering, if a true believer believed in the power of prayer, then these words are protection.
Even in French, these words are still beautiful.
Regardless of what dirt the Islamophobes bring up about Mohammad, the Quran remains a beautiful work of Muslim literature. However, when it is used to oppress women, that is not God's will; that is man's will.
Thus I refute the story of Aisha, Mohammad's second wife as child bride. Even if an imam repeats that story, it is based on one man's word and is thus unverifiable. It is more likely Aisha was introduced to Mohammad when she was 16 and wed to him when she was 18, only to become his widow at 27.
Why then is the child bride story important to Islamophobes? So that the charge of pedophilia could be used as a slur.
Then what of the grooming of young girls by a certain group of Muslims? I would attribute that to mainstream media's hypersexualization of young women. This has become a worldwide phenomenon, and it is not restricted solely to a group of Muslim men. It is prevalent in Western culture, but in certain Old World cultures, it has led to the grooming of young girls as well.
Islamophobes would blame Islam, for they cannot distinguish between culture and religion. In doing so, they ignore the fact that they cater to the good girl narrative, and give their girls the benefit of the doubt. Yet they ignore the fact that Western culture hypersexualizes young girls.
In the good girl/bad girl paradigm, if a girl is polite and reserved, then she is good. If she acts like a boy, then one day she might be put in her place. Thus, this paradigm contains a double standard and additionally is sexist and oppressive to young girls if they aren't good. For often, good or bad, when a boy misbehaved, his misbehavior is often condoned.
What hypocrisy!
Yet if a Muslim boy acts as bad as some white boys do, then sometimes his behavior is seen as deviant. However, the majority of pedophiles are white. As well, most of the Muslim men who practice this grooming belong to criminal gangs.
Therefore, I reject the story of Aisha as child bride as the basis for the grooming of young white girls by Muslim men. It is a pernicious fallacy, given that it has not a list of verifiable sources, save of imams who peddle this story needlessly.
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