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How to Turn A Child Psychotic

Just put him on anti-depressants (paxil), psychostimulants (wellbutrin or adderall or ritalin), and anti-psychotics (haldol).

Then put him into the social welfare system (family services) and bounce him from foster care home to temporary residences for children at risk, when he goes berserk.

Within months he'll be another psychotic kid who is happiest when he's pulling stop signs out of the ground and beating up the care worker.

And the shrinks and social workers will pretend the medication isn't working and up his dose only to cause seizures that look like psychosis.

Hey dumb-asses!

Sedate the kid on clonezepam. Then put him on an atypical anticonvulsant like lamotrigine and ativan at bedtime.

Stop overstimulating his brain with useless anti-psychotics and psychostimulants.

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

Don't forget to place him in foster homes where a pedophile lurks and parents on haldol and other substances.