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Big Pharma and Sugar Kills More than Illegal Drugs Do

More deaths are attributable to pharmaceuticals than to illegal drugs.

Indeed, there is no epidemic of illegal drug use.

Research has shown that LSD helps autistic kids to communicate better, that MDMA in a therapeutic setting is more effective than a lifetime of psychotropic drugs for mental illness, and that marijuana is more effective in reducing the effects of anorexia than psychiatric medication.

The only reason why the Canadian Medical Association is against illegal drug decriminalization is because of the loss of profits of pĥarmaceuticals. Even the anticipated surge of drug use would not be as high as they predict.

Thus the reason illegal drugs are illegal is because Big Pharma would rather drug addicts be placed on their medications until they become dependent on psychotropics.

However, Big Pharma also provides drugs which are legitimate and more likely to kill people, when not used as directed.

Although the same logic applies to illegal drugs, legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco are used more often and have killed more people. Even the overconsumption of sugar has lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, which kill more people than illegal drugs.

Decriminalization of illegal drugs is better than the current system in place for the profit of the State. For drug addiction is a medical problem, and illegal drugs should be decriminalized precisely because their prohibition has only contributed to drug-related crime (home invasions and theft).

It might not look as pretty as now, but police resources are better spent reducing the harm drug abuse causes rather than perpetuating the myth that illegal drugs are more dangerous than legal ones.


Sageb1 said...

However, deaths due to complications by diabetes (including shizophrenia which is comorbid with diabetes) is far greater than illegal drug deaths, especially when one figures in deaths due to violence caused by anti-psychotics administered to schizophrenics with diabetes.

Therefore REFINED SUGAR is the most dangerous neurohormone in the world, and is the main gateway DRUG for most illegal drugs.

Sageb1 said...

Here's proof:

I laugh at ignorant people who say "But sugar is an essential food!"

Not refined white sugar.

Maybe fruit sugar is essential, but not the white shit.

Sageb1 said...

Let's not forget that hypoglycemia mimicks most mental illnesses, and it has to do with sugar.

Sageb1 said...

More proof of sugar's danger:

"The body requires some amount of sugar for energy. True, but it has to come from natural fruits, vegetables, grains, milk, dates, raisins, etc. Getting this energy from sugar is nothing short of suicidal because it is more damaging to health than all other narcotics combined>" -- Amar Chandel