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The mTBI Blues: I fell down

January 31, 2007: If I didn't land on my arm, then this bruise might have been on my brain. Right after I fell I raised myself up, in pain on my right side. Then this lady in the car that passed me stopped.

As I was about to walk away, the lady asks meekly, "Are you ok?" "Yes, I am" I said weakly, as I tried to ignore the pain.

If the person had been professional enough, she would have been out in a flash and helping me up.

I'm still lucky for not having another concussion to add to my list of mild traumatic brain injuries.

It took the bruise a week to look like this. Most of it is yellow or reddish.

I think I heal faster because I am getting proper nutrition, but more likely I try to leave my wounds alone to heal.

A week ago, I had a slight stitch in my gut near the appendix due to this fall. That went away within 96 hours. In about four days this bruise will go away.

So regarding the past bruise on my brain, this healed hematoma, the headaches are like inflammation, and the mood changes (from anxiety, anger, irritability etc. to the mellow, fearless, slightly disturbed, loss of impulse control) are like the skin color changes as the bruise goes away.

As for the personality changes I've experienced, it indicates mild brain injury. There are possibly some front lobe changes the rehab clinic missed in their tests.

Supposedly I am not showing any frontal lobe syndromes.

However, the inability to think far ahead when distracted and/or tired coupled with the hypomania in reaction to very mild stimulants like SAMe, ginseng, and green tea may indicate changes that may be discounted by the untrained professional.

Overall though, with guidance I won't be doing stupid things on-line anymore. That's probably what really made me fall: a combination of insomnia and too much time spent on-line.

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

gravity took over, and showed me the reality of its law.