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Cancer is Another Form of Autoimmune Disease

Stress + subclinical malnutrition, including Omega-6 > Omega-3 imbalance = autoimmune diseases (including cancer)

Cancer is an autoimmune disease. Reasoning: the same medications used to treat cancers are also used to treat autoimmune diseases. This includes artificial cortisol, anti-metabolites, immuno-suppressives, and antibiotics.

Possibly some forms of mental illness are side effects of autoimmune disease (including cancer) such as depression and diabetes-related schizophrenia. In the case of diabetes, the autoimmune disease (cancer) attacks the pancreas.

However artificial cortisol causes both pain and weight gain. Both anti-metabolites and immuno-suppressives may stop the immune system from working, causing infections (pneunomia and TB). Antibiotics can cause bacteria to mutate into virulent forms.

Stress + Omega 6 = Omega-3, optimal nutrition, rest & exercise = health

Health is lack of autoimmune disease e.g. a healthy immune system. It is due to optimal nutrition in the diet which consists of an equal balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids, optimal vitamins and minerals. Also included are optimal doses of tyrosine (helps produce dopamine, adrenalin and noradrenalin), 5HTP (helps produce serotonin), valeric acid (used to make GABA), and choline (used to make acetylcholine).

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