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Oxytocin: Is It the Cure for Sexual Jealousy?

In the brain, oxytocin is involved in social recognition and bonding. Thus this neuropepide may be involved in the formation of trust between people.

Consequently, distrust between people may be due to dynorphin levels, since this k-opioid agonist counteracts oxytocin's effects. What may happen is that dynorphin causes paranoia and psychotic symptoms (hallucinations about relationships, usually paranoid), which releases corticosteroids due to stress. This leads to feeling bummed out and one is not in a loving, caring mood as a result.

The cure? Another orgasm or two.

I think this is why people hook up, and may have sex by the 3rd date, if not sooner.

Though, cuddling and hugging also releases oxytocin, which may explain the closeness of the friendship bond. A few couples break up because of jealousy over close friends. Jealousy is related to dynorphin release, too -- since it involves distrust, which indicates low levels of oxytocin.

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