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Smash the Myth of "White Culture"

The myth of "white culture" is a recent invention.

Prior to the world wars of the 20th century, "good people" actually was code for "white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants" in America.

Today, "good people" is an anachronism that is related to the days when Judeo-Christian values were at their height circa 18th century Europe.

It was incorporated into post-Victorian society circa 1920s, during the era when peace appeared to be imminent.

Today, special interest groups have become our new "good people" with democracy almost guaranteeing that all good people are equal to each other, but not to "bad people".

Yet, moralism is a tool of the patriarchy. To deem one group of people good and another, bad, is not truly democratic because the good are only allowed to be equal at the expense of demonizing the bad.

In short, with respect to ethics our actions may be viewed as shades of grey, having magnitudes of good and bad in each of them.


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