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Masculinity and Femininity and Their Influence on the GLBT Community

It is not masculinity that is patriarchal. Rather, it is extreme forms of masculinity that enforce patriarchal memes.

Indeed, most of the typically male ideals of behavior are actually distortions of masculinity as are some of the behaviors of gay males. This includes aggressiveness.

As well, gay rights was enhanced by masculinity's traits because the pro-active movement was spearheaded by men who had acquired some masculine traits such as assertness and reward-seeking behaviors.

In short, gay rights came about because both men and women acted "male" to gain respect of the heterosexual patriarchy.

A good example of this "male pride" is pants: both men and women wear them now.

Of course, now that gays are here to stay, perhaps it's time to bring a little femininity to this parade. Motherhood gives lesbian couples children, but gay male couples have to adopt. While both of them are willing to push the baby carriage, only women can be mothers. Yet this is not sexist; this is a medical fact which can only affect women.

Femininity is mixed up with motherhood and the gross aspects of pregnancy from conception to birth. Indeed, no male has conceived a child.

While masculinity is the root of patriarchy and gay rights, femininity is allowing lesbians to become mothers in same-sex marriages while gay men will continue to be fathers to their adopted offspring.

But just as men fathered patriarchy, gay men fathered gay rights. Though it will be the women who become the mother in all same-sex marriage if they so choose to be.

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